Tips for Buying Trustworthy Products for Summer

Now that the warmer months are here, you might be stocking up on summer essentials. You may need a new pair of sunglasses, a fan or an immersion heater to warm your paddling pool. But what you don’t need is the risk of injury from using unsafe products. Some so-called summer bargains, such as poorly manufactured electrical goods, can pose a danger to you and your family. Keep safe this summer by following these tips for buying trustworthy products:

  • Consider the product’s price. A lower product price might be a warning sign that it’s unsafe. Unusually cheap items are often of poorer quality. For example, cut-price sunglasses may offer low or no protection from the sun’s rays.
  • Check for safety markings. Certain products, such as toys and electrical goods, must be sold with a safety marking and the name and address of the manufacturer. Look for a CE or UKCA marking on products that require safety certification. Check that the marking is on the product itself; if it’s only on the packaging, the product may be fake.
  • Register your products. Unregistered products are a safety risk. If given the option, always register your product with the manufacturer. This way, you’ll be swiftly informed if the product is recalled due to a safety issue. Often, second-hand products can be registered too.
  • Examine the product. Before buying, carefully examine the product. Genuine products should have standardised logos, fonts and colours. Therefore, avoid products that look clumsy or have spelling or grammatical errors. Trust your gut; if something feels off or a price feels too good to be true, it probably is.

Additionally, always remember to read any safety instructions before using something for the first time.

How to Safeguard Your Home While on Holiday

According to security experts eSafes, 70% of thieves search social media to find empty homes during the summer holiday. Consider the following tips to help keep your home and contents safe while you’re away:

  • Complete checks before leaving. Double-check that all windows and doors are locked, including any sheds or outbuildings, before leaving. Additionally, store valuables away from windows so they aren’t in view.
  • Make your house look occupied. If possible, make your home appear like you’re still present. Mow the lawn and open curtains and blinds before leaving. Consider automatic timer switches to turn lights on and off in the evening while you’re gone.
  • Ask your neighbours for help. Putting your bins out early is a clear indicator that you’re away. Ask a neighbour to put your bins out on collection day and keep a general eye on your property while you’re on holiday.
  • Stay safe on social media. While sharing photos online is tempting, this will publicly advertise the fact that your home is unoccupied. Consider sharing photos privately instead.

Best Practices for Summer Driving

Driving during the summer can be challenging. Glare from the sun can make visibility difficult, and traffic is often heavier due to holidaymakers. Additionally, road rage can make driving more dangerous. According to a study of 2,000 UK motorists by Forbes Advisor, 53% of drivers admit to experiencing feelings of road rage. Although not exclusive to the summer months, the warmer weather and extra traffic can make road rage more likely. Stay safe while driving by considering these tips:

  • Be patient. With more holidaymakers than usual in the summer months, many drivers may be unfamiliar with local roads. As such, they could make late turns or brake suddenly. Try your best to remain patient and avoid unsafe actions that could annoy other drivers.
  • Plan ahead. When traffic is heavy, it pays to plan ahead. Check for advertised roadworks and traffic delays before setting off, and organise a route to avoid these. Additionally, allow plenty of time for your journey.
  • Keep a clear view. Glare from the sun will reduce visibility further if vehicle windows are dirty. Replace worn or damaged wipers and keep your windscreen fluid levels topped up. If possible, keep a pair of glare-resistant sunglasses in your car.
  • Don’t get distracted. To avoid distractions, stow your phone away and keep pets and children in the backseat. Don’t forget that other road users may be distracted, too, so be on the lookout for danger.
  • Keep your car’s fluids topped up. Hot weather can cause vehicles to overheat and break down. As such, it’s important to check that engine coolant, power steering fluid, brake fluid, oil and windscreen wash levels are optimal.
  • Check your tyres. Tyre faults are the second most common cause for breakdowns, according to insurance company AXA. Make sure your tyre pressures and tread depth are at the correct levels, as high temperatures can exacerbate existing damage.

For more safety tips, contact us on or your usual representative.

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